Symfony JsTranslationBundle shows javascript translations upon login
In order to benefit from the Symfony3 translations in javascript files, I use BazingaJsTranslationBundle from
I had the weirdest thing: whenever I logged out, cleared my cache, went to the login page and logged in, I got redirected to /translations which showed me the generated JSON file with the translations.
Cause: the login page tried to load the JSON translation because of my <script src="{{ url('bazinga_jstranslation_js', {}) }}?locales=en,nl"></script>
script import. But that failed as security did not allow anonymous access to that URI.
Symfony registered the failed URL and, as I’m on the login page, redirected me to the url that first failed once I was logged in.
Solution: allow anonymous access to URI /translations.
In file app/config/security.yml
I added the following:
- { path: ^/login, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
- { path: ^/translations, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }