Category Archives for tests

Generate random values in Postman to use in your tests

When you want your tests to be able to run whenever you want, you should use values which are random.

In Postman, click on the name of Collection and then open the ‘Pre-request Script’ tab.

There, add the following:

// get a random number between a minimum and a maximum
// gives you current datetime with milliseconds like 2022810_171012_174
postman.setGlobalVariable("getCurrentDate",  () => {
  const date=new Date(); 
  return String(date.getFullYear())  
      + String(date.getMonth()+1) 
      + String(date.getDate()) 
      + '_' 
      + String(date.getHours() < 10 ? "0"+date.getHours() : date.getHours()) 
      + String(date.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0"+date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes()) 
      + String(date.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" + date.getSeconds() : date.getSeconds())
      + '_' 
      + String(date.getMilliseconds())

You can now use this function in your tests. This enables you to make your strings (like emailaddresses) random by adding the current datetime to it.

To use it, open your test, click on the ‘Pre-request Script’ tab and add the following.

var currentDate = eval(pm.globals.get("getCurrentDate"))();
var randomEmail = `postman-${currentDate}`;
pm.environment.set("randomEmail", randomEmail);

You can now use the generated value in the body of your POST-request by referencing it as {{randomEmail}}

XDebug for PHPUnit in Docker with PHPStorm

[ update ]
Set the IP-address to the following DNS-name: docker.for.mac.localhost (yes, literally)!
Working with the IP-address doesn’t work anymore
[ /update ]

Want to get XDebug working for your PHPUnit tests which run in Docker? Or for behat? Or any other CLI application? Follow me!

Roughly this is what you’ll need to do: Continue reading

behat: element is not clickable at point xxxx

When testing with behat on my laptop I often get the following error shoved up my face:

unknown error: Element <button id="mybutton">...</button> is not clickable at point (126, 698). Other element would receive the click: <span class="sf-toolbar-value sf-toolbar-info-piece-additional">...</span>

Cause: another element is in front of my button. My laptop has a smaller screen what makes this happen. In this case it is the Symfony toolbar which is in front of my button as I am testing it on my development environment.

Solution: scroll! (or maximize your browser window when it pops up)

# file FeatureContext.php

 * Scroll HTML element  into view
 * @Then I scroll element :cssSelector into view
public function iScrollElementIntoView($cssSelector)
    // scroll the element

 * Scroll HTML element with the supplied ID in view so that you can click on it (for example)
public function scrollHtmlElementIntoView($cssSelector)
    $function = <<<JS
      let elem = $('$cssSelector');
      $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:elem.offset().top})
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        throw new \Exception("ScrollIntoView failed");

And you can use the following step in your test by using a CSS-selector :

# file: FeatureContext.php

Then I scroll element "button#coiCheckButton" into view

phpunit: method serves different output based argument

I had the issue that my test-double sent incorrect values when invoked with specific arguments.

It returned null on every request.

First I thought this mock would return null on every call, but that’s not the case. Then I stumbled on this post on StackOverflow

The solution: the map-array needs all parameter-values listed in every element. Even the optional ones. I had to add null values for the optional parameters!

use returnValueMap method to map the received arguments to an array.

function myMethod($name, $optional=null){
  // ...

// Define which value need to be returned when 
// called with argument 'x'
// first element is argument 'x'; the argument passed, 
// 2nd element is the optional argument of the function
// 3d element is what will be returned by the test-double
$map = [
  ['value1', null, $valueToReturn1],
  ['value2', null, $valueToReturn2]


$request->getRepository('value1'); // will return $valueToReturn1

Without the null added to it, it won’t work.

Example for my mock with Symfony. This will return the relevant repository on a request for method getRepository and with returnvalues for arguments AppBundle:Valuation and AppBundle:ObjectInvolvement.

$map = [
    ['AppBundle:Valuation', $valuationRepository],
    ['AppBundle:ObjectInvolvement', $objectInvolvementRepository]


Behat 3 + Mink + Selenium


We will be installing the following:

  • Behat version 3 – the testingframework
  • Mink – for controlling real webbrowsers to run your tests
  • PHPUnit – for using the handy ‘assert’ methods PHPUnit provides.
  • Selenium Standalone Server – this will act as a service to accept connections and map them to browsers.

Continue reading