Behat 3 + Mink + Selenium


We will be installing the following:

  • Behat version 3 – the testingframework
  • Mink – for controlling real webbrowsers to run your tests
  • PHPUnit – for using the handy ‘assert’ methods PHPUnit provides.
  • Selenium Standalone Server – this will act as a service to accept connections and map them to browsers.

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PHP won’t show any errors, or just a blank page

Getting a white page (the infamous the white page of death) when you instruct your browser to open your website? Want to debug an error, but you don’t see error messages on the screen but you do in your logfiles?

Then you should enable the displaying of errors in PHP.

There are few ways you can do this. But the best (fool proof) way is to have this in your php.ini file:

; file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

; here goes other settings

display_errors = On

NB: Don’t forget to restart your webserver after changing PHP’s configuration for it to have effect: sudo service apache2 restart

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Certified PHP developer – yet again!

Today I got certified for the Zend Certification PHP Engineer exam! My third ZCE certificate in a row!

Zend is the company behind the certification for the PHP scripting language and the Zend PHP-framework.

I am now certified for PHP version 5.5 (there was no 5.6 certification). Before that I passed the exams for PHP version 5.3 in 2013 and version 5 in 2007. And does that make me happy!

A new entry in the ZCPE Directory (formerly known as Zend Yellow Papers) has been reserved for me 🙂

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